Tuesday, January 30, 2018

We Met Our Friends

I am quite late posting about this, but welcome to life. I'd rather post late than not post it at all and then I get a new phone or the computer crashes and all the memories are shot (that's dramatic, but yes, it could and has happened).

At the beginning of January we got to meet our friends Nicky and Amir for our annual gathering. Usually it happens at Christmas but at Christmas they were all sick with the head cold so they couldn't fly. So it just got delayed by a couple of weeks.

Nicky and I grew up together and are sistahs. If you know the story, great! If you don't, I will have to tell it in person because I cannot put it in writing. Then we met our significant others and they passed the sistah approval, so now we have brothas in law. And our little ones are becoming friends too, even if they see one another in person once a year. Thankfully because of our friendship (and FaceTime) we are able to keep their almost 3 year old friendship going.

Last year we were both expecting and this year we both welcomed healthy babies. Nicky still looks like a giant next to me. Sistah, why you so tall?

 These toddlers are so goofy! It is so fun to sit and watch them play together. They are a great pair!

More fun stuff:

Ideally we would live in the same town or in the next one over like when we were growing up. Our kids would have sleep overs, attend the same school, support one another in whatever hobbies they had and create a thousand million memories. However, we live over 1,500 miles and two time zones apart which makes the raising of a new generation of little friends challenging, but not impossible. 

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Family Picture 2020

Family Picture 2020

Family Picture 2019

Family Picture 2019

Family Picture 2017

Family Picture 2017

Family Picture 2016

Family Picture 2016

Family Picture 2015

Family Picture 2015

Christmas Picture 2011

Christmas Picture 2011

Family Picture 2009

Family Picture 2009
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