Monday, January 29, 2018

Month 9

Three quarters of a year already that we have been a family of four thanks to this guy. He has gotten to be so active. He is not crawling with his belly off the floor yet, he is following Benji's foot steps with the army crawl/scoot. But that doesn’t keep him from getting around and finding all the door stoppers as well as all the cables/cords.

Taking off his socks is his favorite pastime. He even complains when he tries to pull them and they won’t come off! At his check up the doctor said that he has sweaty feet, so here in a few months (hopefully) he will join Benji and I in the barefoot club!

He loves his big brother so much, he loves watching Benji either run or drive his car around the kitchen and just busts out laughing whenever he seems him. When they both play on the floor, Nico likes to crawl up to him and climb on him. The other day he pulled Benji’s hair and that hurt… poor big brother!

He has such fun in his music class. He laughs and dances and shakes his feet and arms (all at once!). He is becoming very vocal, he does quite a fine job at getting people's attention.

Thankfully his appetite is still a good one! We have been introducing more finger foods, which he doesn't seem to be a fan of. He is big on texture and likes crunchy things like puffs, toast and freeze dried fruit (Asian Pears to be exact). But he will eat avocado and sweet potato if you feed it to him.

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Family Picture 2015

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Christmas Picture 2011

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Family Picture 2009

Family Picture 2009
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