Today after I left the house, I realized that (pardon what you're about to read) I had left the [clean] rag on the carpet after cleaning up Cali's throw up... as I was driving to work, I figured that by the time I came home they would've played tug of war with it, chewed it up and I was expecting to find the rag in a weird place like in the fireplace or in between the couch cushions... Well, to my surprise, I found this:
Intact!! I can tell they had been laying by the rag because of that bone they left there... but they still did not touch the rag!
And the other day when I went out to dinner with the brother, I came home to find that they had managed to get poor St. Francis of Assisi OFF the wall and chewed up his cross. I (unexpectedly) came home to find this:
There is just absolutely no telling what goes on in their little brains....