[they are back, safe and sound, don't worry... don't really expect me to be blogging if they were still MIA...]We have been teaching the dogs to stay outside (by not opening the door to let them in the second they knock on it). This afternoon I let them out back (as normal) and I went in the bedroom to cut up old shirts (for rags) while Norm was on the computer.
Suddenly I realize that they are awfully quiet. Then in a split second I think "what if they have gotten out?" (a daily fear of mine... I am constantly double checking the gates around the yard whenever I go in or out them).
In about 45 seconds I:
Look out the bedroom window - no dogs
Run to the back door - no dogs
Run to the kitchen window - no dogs
Jump up on the kitchen counter to look out the kitchen window - gate is WIDE OPEN.
Mini Freak Out Session: Love Love Love! They have gotten out! Hurry!
[in my head: what if they've been run over by a car? what if they are in the lake? what if someone took them? I am about to run out on the hot pavement bare footed, I need my yard shoes]
As I run around the house like a crazy person, Norm walks out the front door... calls them and they came running out of the woods.
Their footsteps on the living room floor were the end to my running around like a crazy person.
Were they gone 5 minutes? Were they gone 30? Who knows... all I know is that they are worn out at the moment (and I am drinking a cold glass of wine).